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Launching the PPE Hub

With PPE becoming the new normal in everyday life we launched the PPE Hub. An on-line e-commerce site with competitively priced and immediately available PPE

During the pandemic our clients highlighted that they were concerned about how they could get workers back into the office safely and we provided a solution with the innovative “Back to Work Box”. A branded box which publishers could send to their staff in advance of their return to work including a personal note, sanitiser, gloves, masks and anti-bac wipes. These proved to be very popular with clients both old and new and can still be produced to order.

“Global Media Hub usually sample copies across the Dennis portfolio but on this occasion we engaged them to help get PPE to key office staff. They produced the fantastic Back to Work Boxes which contained key PPE items, the box also allowed us to write a personalised letter to each recipient explaining the return to work process”- David Barker

“Our employees were glad to receive their own Back to Work boxes at home, including many items. As a company, we were very happy to be able to provide our employees with these boxes and to put our logo on it. The delivery was quick and all the process to order the boxes was very easy. I would definitely recommend Global Media Hub for the Back to Work boxes!” - Hachette Partworks


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