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COVID-19 Update

As we are all well aware, COVID-19 has disrupted industries across all sectors globally and the copy placement market is no exception. As a business we are committed to giving our clients the very best, current and honest circulation advice.

The situation is changing daily making it very difficult to plan and the newly imposed lockdown will impact operations significantly. In the UK, we are suspending the majority of our venue networks through April due to either closures or significant reduced footfall although we do have a limited amount of venues still requesting news deliveries including luxury apartments. Hotels are hoping to open to the public again in late April.

Globally, Italy, France, Spain and others are also on lockdown so deliveries will be temporarily postponed. Air-freight rates to the US are currently much higher than normal due to the lack of flights but sea-freight is an option. Please see for the latest updates by country.

We have been looking into solutions to help and although many of those are now not applicable due to the recent lockdown we can place copies into supermarkets which continue to remain open and footfall has dramatically increased. We have access to merchandised racks in Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrisons stores across the UK, stores can be selected by demographic profile or geographical area. This route to market is ABC auditable and available to titles not ranged in each of these retail chains.

We can also offer door drops to residential locations for titles that meet a newsworthy criteria.

A further distribution opportunity is delivering in a copy of a magazine with a newspaper home delivery, this can be targeted by area and profiled against a specific newspaper

We will update clients wherever possible on what distribution channels are available on a week to week basis and will be ready to get copies out to target markets as soon as we can.

Both publishers and consumer goods companies have been in touch with us regarding parcel deliveries to see if we can help with logistics solutions. We are monitoring global coverage daily and can currently offer clients extremely competitive courier services, both in the UK and Internationally.

We also have attractive rates for pick/pack and storage solutions.

Please get in touch if you would like to be kept up to date with the current situation.

The most important factor in all of this is health so stay safe and well folks. We wish you all the best in these challenging times.

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